Christians and Fellow Heretics Comment on Christian Post article (Mar2,2k11) -- I'll be writing some further reflections on this news report on the subject at hand. See our earlier post, "Brother Justin lables brother Bell a heretic -- to hell with that!" (Feb27,2k11). Please read that post which presents my own version of 'soteriological near-universalism.' Among other things, it's impolrtant to make sure we don't confuse philosophical universalism -- like Thales' doctrine that all things are water (see Albert Wolters on DHTh Vollenhoven's problem-historical method in history of philosophy) -- with theological universalism in its Christian versions as it pertains to our set of doctrines in regard to salvation (soteriology), sin (hamartiology), hell (hellogy?), hades (OT), resurrection (OT--Daniel only, NT everywhere), election (NT see GC Berlkouwer's volume on Election and one by an author named Botha on election, exegetically intense, especially on Romans (as I vaguely recall) translated from the Dutch original, published by Eerdmans (again, if memory serves me here, perhaps now out of print). A commenter to the previous blog-entry on this theme offered further resources: "have you read Gregory Boyd's book on trinitarian warfare theodicy (the problem of evil?) ... his last chapter is on the problem of Hell ... his resort is to C.S. Lewis and to Karl Barth, to explain a position that there is in fact Hell, but it is not the literal Hell we usually think is [that of which] the Bible speaks. It is nevertheless as Hellish as a lake of fire and brimstone, because it means being totally out of the Divine presence." Hat Tip to Romel! -- Owlb
From: Albert Wolters "On Vollenhoven's Problem-Historical Method" in
Hearing and Doing: Philosophical Essays Dedicated to H. Evan Runner
edited by John Kraay and Anthony Tol. Wedge Publishing Foundation:
Toronto, 1979: 231-262
Problem of mythology and genesis
A. Mythologizing (theogono-cosmogenic)
B. Cosmogono-cosmological
C. Purely cosmological
Problem of dualism/monism
a. Dualism
b. Monism
Problem of universal/ individual
i. Universalism
ii. Partial universalism
iii. Individualism
Each intersection represents one basic type of conception. The one numbered “1,” for
instance, is the basic type of universalistic mythologizing dualism: it is represented,
according to Vollenhoven, by such disparate thinkers as Musaeus, Pythagoras,
Marcion, Manichaeism, the Cabala, and Sorel, to name only a few.
A less esoteric basic type is that numbered “10”: [253] it represents the position of
materialists throughout the ages, from Thales and Democritus to Holbach and
Sartre. © A M Wolters 24 of 35.
An upcoming book by bestselling author and controversial preacher Rob Bell
has gotten a lot of evangelicals talking about hell.
Though his book, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate
of Every Person Who Ever Lived, is slated for release later this month,
a promotional video has already drawn claims of heresy.
"Will only a few select
people make it to
heaven? ... And will
billions and billions of
people burn forever in
hell?" Bell, pastor of
Mars Hill Bible Church
in Grandville, Mich.,
poses in the video.
"Millions and millions
of people were taught
that the primary
message, the center of
the gospel of Jesus, is
that God is going to
send you to hell unless
you believe in Jesus.
So what gets subtly
sort of caught and
taught is that Jesus rescues you from God. How could that God ever
be good? ... And how could that ever be good news?"
He states in the video that the good news is that "love wins."
Justin Taylor, vice president of Editorial at Crossway, responded to the video, saying Bell has laid his cards on the table about universalism.
"I think that the publisher’s description combined with Bell’s video is sufficient evidence to suggest that he thinks hell is empty and that God’s love (which desires all to be saved) is always successful," Taylor said.
The publisher (HarperOne)'s description reads:
"[I]n Love Wins: Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived, Bell addresses one of the most controversial issues of faith – the afterlife – arguing that a loving God would never sentence human souls to eternal suffering. With searing insight, Bell puts hell on trial, and his message is decidedly optimistic – eternal life doesn’t start when we die; it starts right now. And ultimately, Love Wins."
Taylor contended, "If Bell is teaching that hell is empty and that you can reject Jesus and still be saved, he is opposing the gospel and the biblical teaching of Jesus Christ."
Taylor is just one of many evangelicals who have weighed in on the upcoming book.
Gaithersburg, Md., pastor Joshua Harris tweeted that Bell was preaching a false gospel. Though the book is not out yet and he has yet to read it, he stressed that Bell's statements in the video alone are "concerning enough to be challenged."
While concerns that a popular pastor like Bell could be leading a lot of Christians in the wrong direction continue to pour out on the Internet, the debate has also prompted
pastors to address the topic of hell.
"Hell," Harris stated, "is what our sin deserves."
"Hell is what God in his love has rescued us from. And we are not rescued from hell by our merit or the rightness of our doctrine. We are rescued from God's wrath by the self-giving love and sacrifice of Jesus on the cross."
But he added, "[T]here should be no glee or triumph in our tone in seeking to proving this biblical doctrine. Our hearts should break for the lost and for our own coldness of heart towards their spiritual condition."
The conversation that's being had should lead Christians to redouble their prayers and evangelistic efforts, Harris stressed.
Also joining the discussion, East Lansing, Mich., pastor Kevin DeYoung reminded the public of why God's wrath is necessary.
"We need God's wrath to keep us
honest about evangelism," he said. "We need God's wrath in order to:
forgive our enemies;
risk our lives for Jesus’ sake; live holy lives; understand what mercy means; grasp how wonderful heaven will be; be motivated to care for our impoverished brothers and sisters; and be ready for the Lord’s return."
"Believing in God’s judgment actually helps us look more like Jesus. In short, we need the doctrine of the wrath of God."