Southern Baptist missions reasercher and theorist, Ed Stetzer
The LifeWay Research Blog
The steve bishop Daily points us to Ed Stetzer's celebration of Lottie Moon who spent much of her life in China in the Nineteenth Century. I have the impression she was a Southern Baptist, like Stetzer. he passes along her observations about China's start-up 'churches in the house,' not the contemporary house church as such, but certainly a forerunner. The Presbyterian missionaries to Korea established the Three-Self movement -- self-propagating, self-financing, and self-governing -- as the standard way of growth. Decades after Lottie, Albert Dodd in the Twentieth Century carried this philosophy of missions into China, first under the denominational mission board of the Northern Presbyterian Church USA that expelled the ant-modernist leaders of the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions, then Dodd served under IBFM. Dodd re-settled with thousands of his church members in Taiwan when the Communists took over China; and he lived to a ripe old age. But many thousands more remained in China and endured the vicious anti-Christian repression launched by the Maoist state.
Lottie, meet Albert. Albert, meet Lottie.
Stetzer's blog deals with a large variety of topics around mission, church planting, and related concerns.
His address to the current rise of 'Calvinism' under Albert Mohler in the Southern Baptist Convention sheds further lite upon that development, and the media barrage that has accompanied it. Here's Stetzer's
list of his blog topics, in case you want to browse:
Labels: China, DoddAlbert, IBFM, Korea, Lifeway, MoonLottie, SBC, StetzerEd, Three-SelfMovement